Exorbitant healthcare costs in the United States pose a serious threat to our economy. But every crisis breeds opportunity. Healthcare is no different. While staggering price tags might make you sick, new companies, which provide revolutionary healthcare options, could make you rich.

The key is recognizing these new companies – the ones which are transforming their industry – and strategically investing in them. I can’t harp on this point enough – strategically investing gives you the best opportunity for success.

Taking a closer look at the United States’ healthcare industry, I think we need to consider a couple facts:

  • The United States spends $2.6-trillion on healthcare.
    • Nearly 20-percent of every dollar spent in the United States is spent on healthcare. (That’s more than 4 times what the United States spends on the military.)

Where does all this money go? Emergency Room (ER) visits are one of the biggest drains on the healthcare industry. Last year in the Puget Sound Business Journal, Dr. Joe Gifford, executive medical director at Regence BlueShield, said treatments can be more than $700 for ankle sprains, almost $600 for sore throats, more than $600 for foot bruises, more than $400 for a child’s simple earache. And those are just the price tags on minor visits.

Innovative healthcare companies, which create access to affordable diagnosis and treatment plans, are changing the playing field. They have the potential to dominate the healthcare industry. They are the opportunity within the crisis.


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